We – Weje and Marta Sandén - are journalists, editors, writers, communication consultants engaged with many commissions in the Swedish and European public sector and business community.
The common denominator is our writing. You find our articles, columns and editorials in Affärsvärlden, Svenska Dagbladet, Veckans Affärer, Privata Affärer, Dagens Industri , Computer Sweden and many others. In addition to our regular assignments, we are both engaged in a number of boards, steering committees and networks, both commercial and non for profit.
With years of experience and a thorough knowledge on the Swedish and international industry, we work as consultants, freelance writers and authors. Feel free to browse our chronicles, books and articles.
Weje Sanden, born in 1953 in Stockholm, is a journalist, editor, writer and consultant. For five years, 2001-2006, he was editor-in-chief and publisher of Veckans Affärer, Sweden´s biggest business magazine. Before that he worked as reporter at the same newspaper, as well as being news editor and reporter for country´s second business magazine Affärsvärlden. His assignments include Svenska Dagbladet Näringsliv, Privata Affärer, Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter and Smålandsposten.
Since 2008 he is Senior Partner at Halvarsson & Halvarson – the leading communication consultancy in Sweden.
Member of the board for MyPay AB. Teacher at Poppius, School of Journalism in Stockholm.
Weje Sanden is the author of several books, mostly on IT and the Internet.
Marta Sandén is a journalist, communicator, business owner, fervent entrepreneur and network builder. She has worked in several countries in the fields of media and communication and in various roles such as an editor, information director and marketer. She is a frequent lecturer and debatter. My CV
Over the past 25 years Marta Sandén has focused on IT and telecom-related issues. In addition to her journalistic work she has been an expert adviser and Information Officer for IT Commission at the Swedish Government Offices, business strategist for Företagarna, the Swedish Federation of Business Owners (SME), director of communications for Kista Science City as well as for the international affairs department of the City of Stockholm. Since the early 1990s she has worked for the European Commission and European Parliament as an expert, project evaluator, panellist and moderator.
She has been the chairperson of the Space Advisory Group for the European Commission´s DG Industry & Entrepreneurship, a member of the board for Swedish Standards Institute SIS, Standardisering i Sverige Förlag, Vinnova´s program advisory board and the not-for-profit association Transfer.